The Company
Bswing partners with organizations to create digital experiences that transform and improve lives. Their experts help companies develop digital products and services that are grounded in human understanding. Bswing’s services include market research, digital product and platform development, technology strategy, and much more. Specifically, Bswing partnered with New Virginia Majority in an effort to help them increase voter registration in the state of Virginia.
New Virginia Majority is a non-profit organization that empowers marginalized communities to change political systems. Since 2015, they’ve successfully registered over 200,000 Virginia voters.
The Challenge
New Virginia Majority partnered with Bswing to send out applications securely and efficiently to thousands of potential voters. The voting registration process is known to be complex and exclusive. Many voters are unaware of their voting rights and others lack accessibility to even register. Hoping to ease some of those challenges for New Virginia Majority, Bswing wanted to find a solution that was fast, secure, and accessible.
Bswing even considered building their own PDF form filling service, given their strong team of developers. They quickly realized, however, that building their own automated PDF platform would be resource and time consuming. After considering all available options, they determined Anvil’s PDF filling API would be the perfect solution.
The Solution
Bswing implemented Anvil’s PDF filling API to generate secure registration forms for New Virginia Majority. Having a strong team of developers, they were able to build a basic React application that generates a form built by a form schema file and submits the data to Firebase. From there, they used Cloud Functions and Firestore Database triggers to validate and construct the data payload for submission to the Anvil PDF filling API. Finally, they used the pre-written Anvil node.js client library to make an API request and populate the respective Virginia voting registrar form, before submitting to the registrar.
The Result
From 20 applications to ~8,000
Anvil’s PDF filling API saved Bswing hundreds of hours. Instead of tirelessly working on creating their own PDF form filling service, Bswing now relies on Anvil to create custom, automated paperwork processes for their clients. This gives them more time to take on new clients without spending money on additional resources. Since implementing the PDF filling API for New Virginia Majority, Bswing has helped send almost 8,000 applications, giving more Americans the opportunity to exercise their voting rights.