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Mobile forms powered by Anvil

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By Mang-Git Ng

Free, mobile-optimized, Anvil-powered forms for everyone. Why mobile optimized forms are important, and why Anvil is offering these forms for free to everyone.

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Mobile forms powered by Anvil

Free forms

Today we are announcing free Anvil-powered forms for anyone to complete on our website. We are using Anvil to convert and power common forms, filled out by thousands if not millions of Americans every year, and making them available completely free. Some existing forms in the library include:

  • IRS W4 and W9
  • USCIS I9
  • Election 83(b)
  • USPS PS 1583

Mobile optimized forms

Each one of our Anvil-Powered forms is mobile optimized and can be completed on the go. Upon completing an Anvil-Powered form, a filled out PDF form can be downloaded to any device and emailed to any recipient. All of our forms have embedded data validation so you don’t have to worry about making a mistake, and our logic engine automatically helps you figure out which fields to complete. No more accidentally entering your first name in the last name box, or typing a letter when asked for a phone number!

Mobile Friendly W4 Web Form, Powered by Anvil

Our mission

Forms play a pivotal role in our society, they help you get the services you need, whether it is student aid for college, unemployment benefits, a new passport, or even an oil change.

However, the ability to complete forms is not evenly distributed. Have you ever tried filling out a PDF from your phone? What if the form was not in a fillable PDF format and needed to be printed? I can imagine a large portion of us do not own printers, and for another set of Americans, their phone is the primary way for connecting to the internet. This means, access to important services disproportionately burdens those of us most in need.

Our mission at Anvil is to make forms easier to complete for everyone, from any device. With better forms, we can remove some of the burden of accessing important services, especially for those who have the most need.

More accessible forms benefit everyone. Accessible forms are a delight to fill out, less error prone, easier to process for the receiver, and as a society, we can finally start moving beyond paper and PDF.

More Anvil-powered forms

In the coming days we will be using Anvil to convert more common forms and release them on our Anvil free forms page. Currently we are prioritizing a couple Education Department loan forbearance forms, as well as common business forms that we have had to fill out when setting up Anvil.

If there is a form you would like us to convert, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Stayed tuned to this blog as we write about fun things we find in forms, terrible forms, and how we think improving forms can improve society, government, and lives.

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