Etch e-sign

Creating Etch packets with dynamic templates

Creating Etch packets with dynamic templates is similar to creating Etch packets with standardized templates or uploaded documents. The key difference being Etch packets created with dynamic templates allow you to enable or disable clauses so that they’re only shown when necessary. The resulting document will seamlessly flow around the enabled clauses, supporting a variety of document use cases without the need to set up separate templates for each scenario.

In this article, we’ll mainly focus on enabling and disabling clauses since this is a feature unique to dynamic templates. Please see our other articles to learn more about how to set up dynamic templates and how to create a standard Etch packet

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Getting started

Before you create an Etch packet with a dynamic template, be sure that your template is set to your liking. This means that all of your text is correct and stylized to your liking, all clauses and fields have been configured, etc.

It’s especially important to remember to add all necessary signature fields to your template prior to creating an Etch packet with a dynamic template. Once the Etch packet is created, it’s not possible to edit any of the text, adjust clauses, or add new fields within the Etch editor. We’ll go into more details on how to update your template later.

Once your dynamic template is set up, create your Etch Packet normally. Note that Document AI doesn’t work with dynamic templates.

Controlling clauses in Etch packets

When an Etch packet is created with a dynamic template, all clauses are enabled by default. Dynamic templates do not currently support the multi-select tool so actions cannot be completed in bulk. You will need to configure each clause and signature field individually.

To manage clauses in Etch packets:

  1. Navigate to your Etch dashboard and create an Etch packet normally
    • Select your dynamic template
  2. Enter your first signers’ information
  3. Select a clause
  4. In the left side editor panel, click the dropdown under Should this clause be included?
  5. Select the relevant option The include clause option is first, followed by exclude clause option.

Repeat these steps to enable or disable more clauses. Be sure to assign signers to signature fields before sending out your packet.

Note: When selected, enabled clauses will be highlighted in green and disabled clauses will be highlighted in blue.

Updating dynamic templates

You must have your dynamic template fully configured prior to creating an Etch packet with it. As mentioned above, content within dynamic templates cannot be changed within the Etch editor. Once your template is added to your Etch packet, you won’t be able to update any text or adjust clauses or fields.

If you need to edit your dynamic PDF, you’ll need to do so by editing the original template. Be sure to publish your template changes. Once your template has been updated to your liking, you can update your Etch packet to include the latest version.

Note however that clause and field configurations will be cleared upon updating your template. This means that you will need to reconfigure each of your clauses individually and reconnect any fields.

To update dynamic templates in an Etch packet:

  1. Navigate to your Etch packet
  2. Select Update to latest document The update to latest version button is found in the right side editor panel
  3. Confirm your change A confirmation message will appear at the top of your browser
  4. Reconfigure all clauses and reconnect all fields

Additional notes

Dynamic templates used within Etch packets are currently optimized for enabling or disabling clauses. If you would like to fill your template with any data, including information you pre-fill, as well as any collected from signers during the signing process, we recommend filling your template over API first before creating an Etch packet to collect signatures.

When an Etch packet is sent out for signatures, the documents are already generated. This prevents the templates’ existing text from flowing with new data. While you can choose to fill fields in your Etch packets using dynamic templates, it may include unwanted spacing or cut off text. Alternatively, you can also choose to use a Workflow, which will generate the documents after data has been collected. This results in seamless documents without odd spaces.

Additionally, just like Etch packets created with standardized documents, Etch packets created with dynamic templates will present the same set of documents to all signers within the packet. This means that all signing parties within the same packet will see enabled clauses.

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