Understand Anvil terminology to ensure information is properly formatted on your your Webform and final PDF output.back to articles



A PDF array field is a group of similar items. Creating an array tells Anvil that you have many items of the same type and helps Anvil automatically populate repeated fields for you.

Arrays are typically used to fill in multiple line items on tables or lists. You can think of arrays as the column headers within a table. For example, if you are trying to fill in an invoice, you would create separate arrays that group together all of the item names, item descriptions, and item prices. You can then assign the names all at once and Anvil will populate a separate row for each item name. Repeat the process for item descriptions and prices to create individual row values for each category.

Learn more about how to add a list to a Webform and map a list to a PDF array.


A single box that can be selected on a PDF or Webform. Boxes will be filled in with an x. Webform checkbox type fields have the following options:

  • Box Label: the label that shows up to the right side of the box.
  • Require this field to be checked to pass: if this option is selected a user is not allowed to proceed to the next page, or submit their information unless the box is checked. This can be useful for consent boxes.
  • Default this checkbox to true: if this option is selected, the checkbox will default to being checked.

To limit the selection of checkboxes to one option, use a radio group.

Combined field

By using the Combine another field into this one action in the Webform field editor, you can combine two or more fields into a single field. The fields must be of the same type for this to work.

By combining fields you can reduce the number of times a user is asked to provide the same information, but still have the information mapped to all of the corresponding PDF fields.

Learn more about combining fields that are the same here.


A PDF field consisting of a day, month, and year. Includes the following common date formats when filling in the blank PDF field:

  • MM/DD/YYYY: example 12/31/1967
  • MMM DD YYYY: example Dec 31 1967
  • MMMM DD, YYYY: example December 31st, 1967
  • YYYY-MM-DD: example 1967-12-31
  • DD/MM/YYYY: example 31/12/1967
  • Month only: example 12
  • Month name: example December
  • Day only: example 31
  • Day with suffix: example 31st
  • Year only: example 1967

A PDF date field can be connected to a Webform date calendar picker or date dropdown field.

Date calendar picker

A Webform field with a calendar component for selecting dates. Best used for dates that are close to the current date with the following options:

  • Disable date: prevent dates before or after today's date from being selected.
  • Show button to select today: displays a button in the calendar picker that automatically enters today’s date.
  • Default date to today: automatically sets the default value of the date to today. This value can still be edited by the user.

Learn how to format a date selector in a Webform here.

Date dropdown

A Webform field that consists of three dropdowns for selecting a date: a month, day and year. Best used for dates that are far away from the current date, such as birthdays.

Date dropdown fields have the following options:

  • Min year: the minimum year that is displayed in the year dropdown.
  • Max year: the maximum year that is displayed in the year dropdown.

The year limits are tracked relative to the current year. If you set the Min year to 1911 and the Max year to 2011 and one year passes, the field automatically updates the Min year to 1912 and the Max year to 2012.

Learn how to format a date selector in a webform here.

Decimal number

A PDF or Webform field that accepts a decimal number with up to two decimal places.

A Webform decimal number type field has the following options:

  • Number of decimal digits allowed: control the number of digits allowed after the dollar amount. The default is two decimal places.
  • Min: the minimum accepted value; can be negative.
  • Max: the maximum accepted value; can be negative.
  • Automatically localize numbers: determines whether to user commas or periods to denote decimals. This setting is turned on by default and can be turned off by unchecking Automatically localize numbers.

A PDF decimal number type field supports the following formatting options:

  • Localized formatting:
    • English style: example 1,234,567.89
    • German style: example 1.234.567,89
    • French style: example 1 234 567,89
    • Indian style: example 12,34,567.89
  • Delimiters:
    • With delimiters: example 1,234,567.80
    • Without delimiters: example 1234567.80
  • Precision:
    • Two significant digits: example 1,234,567.89
    • Two fixed significant digits: example 1,234,567.80

Default value

A value that can be preset for the Webform field. Default values have the following options:

  • Literal value: a static value that is the same every time this field is displayed.
  • Value from Webform: a value dervied from another fied. Only fields that appear in the Workflow before the field you are configuring may be selected.

Learn how to add a default value to a Webform field here.


A longer explanation about the type of information a Webform field is requesting. The description appears below the label.


A field for collecting dollar values on a PDF or Webform.

A Webform dollar type field can have the following options:

  • Number of decimal digits allowed: control the number of digits allowed after the dollar amount. The default is two decimal places.
  • Min: the minimum accepted value; can be negative.
  • Max: the maximum accepted value; can be negative.

A PDF dollar type field can be formatted in the following ways:

  • Dollar sign with cents: example $12.34
  • No Dollar sign with cents: example 12.34 - Used if there is already a $ printed on the form.
  • Dollar sign, fixed cents: example $12 returns $12.00 and $12.34 returns $12.34
  • No dollar sign, fixed cents: example $12 returns 12.00 and $12.34 returns 12.34
  • Dollar sign, no cents: example $12
  • No Dollar sign, no cents: example 12

A Webform field that limits the user to multiple pre-prescribed options from which they can select one.

A Webform dropdown type field can have the following options:

  • Dropdown options: add options that will be displayed in the dropdown field. Options can be edited, re-ordered, and removed.
  • Type to autocomplete: this enables users to type in a dropdown field and filter the dropdown options.

Often, a Webform dropdown is mapped to a PDF radio group.


A field for collecting email addresses on a PDF or Webform. An email type field automatically validates that the email address is in a proper email address format.

Embedded video

A Webform field to show embedded video files to someone completing the Webform. Includes the option to change the aspect ratio or allow for full screen video.

Field alias ID

A value used to uniquely identify Webform fields. Field alias IDs can be reused across multiple Workflows, making them beneficial for developers who are identifying similar fields across Workflows when integrating with API.

File upload

A Webform field that allows users to upload files to the Workflow. If the user is completing the Workflow from a mobile device, they will also have the option to access their camera and take a photo to be uploaded.

A Webform file upload type field can have the following options:

  • Drop zone text: the text displayed in the area where a user can drag and drop their file(s).
  • Button text: the text displayed on the upload button.
  • Size: control the size of the upload field and the drop zone. Choose between small and default sizes.
  • Acceptable file types: choose between images, PDFs or all files.
  • Allow multiple files to be uploaded: allow a user to drag multiple files or a folder into the drop zone. Anvil will upload all of the files at once.

First and last name

A Webform name field that allows for one First Name, one Middle Initial, and one to two Last Names.

A Webform first and last name type field has the following options:

  • Show middle initial field: displays a field for collecting the first letter of the middle name.
  • Show second last name field: displays a field for collecting a second last name.

A Webform first and last name field can be mapped to a PDF name field.


A PDF field for placing an image onto a PDF. Images support a maximum of 800px in any given dimension.

A PDF image field has the following options:

  • Containment: determines how the images will be scaled. Choose between width, height, and width and height constraining.
  • Horizontal alignment: determines whether images are horizontally aligned to the left, center, or right.
  • Vertical alignmnet: determines whether images are vertically aligned to the top, center, or bottom.

An image field can be mapped to a file upload field on a Webform.


A PDF field that specifies where a signature initial is needed. An initial field is not mapped to a Webform field, but instead marked to be signed by an added signer.


A PDF or Webform field for collecting integer values (whole numbers, positive and negative).

A Webform integer type field can have the following options:

  • Min: the minimum accepted value; can be negative.
  • Max: the maximum accepted value; can be negative.
  • Automatically localize numbers: determines whether to use commas or periods to denote positional value. This setting is turned on by default and can be turned off by unchecking Automatically localize numbers.

A PDF integer type field supports the following formatting options:

  • Localized formatting:
    • English style: example 1,234,567
    • German style: example 1.234.567
    • French style: example 1 234 567
    • Indian style: example 12,34,567
  • Delimiters:
    • With delimiters: example 1,234,567
    • Without delimiters: example 123456

International Address

A Webform field for collecting international address information that can be mapped to a PDF US address field.

A Webform international address type field has the following options:

  • Allowed Countries: create a curated dropdown list of countries for a user to choose from.
  • Show abbreviated state names: state/region names are automatically displayed in full. Selecting this setting will display abbreviated state/region names instead.

To map a Webform international address field to a PDF field, see instructions on how to map to a PDF US address field.


The bolded name that appears above a field on a Webform.


A Webform list field allows a user to add multiple items of grouped pieces of information. The total number of items is determined by the user completing the Workflow.

Each item in the list can contain multiple input fields of any type except for another list field. For example, a Workflow may ask the user to list all of their children, each child’s birthday and upload a photo. Each list item would contain a name field, date field and file upload field. The Webform list field would allow for the user to keep adding children until all of their children have been listed.

Most commonly, Webform list fields are used to complete tables or lists (configured as arrays) on a PDF. Learn how to add a list to a Webform and map a list to a PDF.


AND/OR conditions that allow you to dynamically show or hide fields, pages, or documents depending on whether the specific field is relevant to the user completing the form.

Long text (paragraph)

A large, freeform space for general text input on a PDF or Webform. Text will automatically wrap to new lines within this field type.

A Webform long text field will automatically wrap and scroll text, allowing the user to see everything they enter in the input box. Webform long text fields support the following option:

  • Number of rows: controls the size of the long text field box. The more rows, the larger the displayed default size. This does not limit the total number of rows a user can input, just the size of the long text field box when it is displayed.

A PDF long text field will automatically wrap text based on the width of the box.


A PDF field for a person's name. Supports First Name, Middle Initial, and one to two Last Names. This is a compound PDF field, you can map a name to a single box, or separate boxes for First, Middle and Last Names.

A PDF name field supports the following formats:

  • All in one field: one field for the entire name.
  • First, Middle, or Last Name fields: separate fields for each part of a name, with optional fields for a middle and second last name.

A PDF name field can be mapped to a Webform First and Last name field.

Numeric text

A Webform text field that allows for only numeric input with the following field options:

  • Min length: the minimum number of characters that is accepted by the field.
  • Max length: the maximum number of characters that is accepted by the field.
  • Mask Sensitive Info: when checked, the field will display in place of the numbers. This will also encrypt the field information.

Most commonly mapped to a PDF short text field.

Optional field

A Webform field that is not required to be filled. Make a field optional by selecting the Make this field optional checkbox in the Webform field editor.

Learn more about how to make a field optional on a Webform here.


A field for collecting percentage values on a PDF or Webform with up to one decimal place.

A Webform percent type field has the following options:

  • Number of decimal digits allowed: determines the number of digits allowed following the decimal.
  • Min: the minimum accepted value; can be negative.
  • Max: the maximum accepted value; can be negative.
  • Automatically localize numbers: determines whether to use commas or periods to denote positional value. This setting is turned on by default and can be turned off by unchecking Automatically localize numbers.

A PDF percent field type can be formatted in the following ways:

  • Localized formatting:
    • English style: example 98.26
    • German style: example 98,26
    • French style: example 98,26
    • Indian style: example 98.26
  • Precision:
    • Two significant digits: example 98.26
    • No significant digits: example 98
  • Percent Sign:
    • Percent sign: 98%
    • No percent sign: 98


A field for collecting phone numbers on a PDF or Webform.

A Webform phone type field will have the following options:

  • Strict Validation: requires a valid area code. This settings is turned on by default and can be turned off by unchecking Use strict validation .
  • Default Regions: allows phone numbers from the selected region to omit the country code. When no default region is provided, a + symbol will be added by default.

A PDF phone type field will have the following format options:

  • Entire phone number:
    • USA: formatted as (555)333-4444
    • Intl: formatted as +1 555 333 4444
  • Area Code: formatted as 555
  • Prefix (first three): formatted as 333
  • Line number (last4): formatted as 4444


A suggested value for a Webform field meant to help users better understand what type of information is expected for the field. Placeholder text will be visible until a user inputs data into the field.

Radio buttons

A Webform field group of options displayed as buttons that allows for a single selection. Defaults to editable "yes " and "no" options and you can add as many options as you need. When the field is made optional, an editable clear button is supported. Button sizes can optionally be set to compact and/or full width.

For single select fields with many options, you may want to use a dropdown. Often, a Webform radio buttons field is mapped to a PDF radio group.

Radio group

A PDF field group of checkboxes where only one can be selected. The selected option will be filled with an x.

A PDF radio group can be mapped to Webform dropdown or radio buttons field. Learn more about creating a PDF radio group here.

Short text

An open text PDF or Webform field best used for short pieces of information. On a PDF this is usually single-line, pre-defined space for input. A short text field accepts any alphanumeric text, including symbols like "-, *, &, ., ?" etc."

A Webform short text field is most commonly mapped to a PDF short text field, though any Webform field can be mapped to a PDF short text field.


A PDF field that specifies where a signature is needed. A signature field is not mapped to a Webform field, but instead marked to be signed by an added signer.

Signatures will automatically scale based on the signature field height.

Signature date

A PDF field that specifies where a date is needed during the e-signing process. A signature date field is not mapped to a Webform field, but instead marked to be signed by an added signer.

A PDF signature date field will have the following format options:

  • MM/DD/YYYY: example 12/31/1967
  • MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM timezone: example 12/31/1967 2:30 pm PST
  • YYYY-MM-DD: example 1967-12-31
  • YYYY-MM-DD military time timezone: example 1967-12-31 14:30 PST
  • DD/MM/YYYY: example 31/12/1967
  • DD/MM/YYYY military time timezone: example 31/12/1967 14:30 PST
  • MMM DD YYYY: example Dec 31 1967
  • MMMM DD, YYYY: example December 31st, 1967
  • Month only: example 12
  • Month name: example December
  • Day only: example 31
  • Day with suffix: example 31st
  • Year only: example 1967
  • Time only: 2:30 pm PST
  • Military time only: 14:30 PST

Social Security Number

An encrypted field for entering social security numbers on a PDF or Webform that is formatted as xx-xxx-xxxx.

Social security number Webform fields will automatically be masked after a user has finished editing the field.

A PDF social security number field can support the following format options:

  • Entire SSN: 555-44-3333
  • First three: 555
  • Middle two: 44
  • Last four: 3333

If you need a social security number to be printed as a single number per box, use a PDF text: Boxes per letter field type instead.

Tax ID Number (EIN)

An encrypted field for entering EIN numbers on a PDF or Webform. Numbers will be automatically masked and formatted as xx-xxxxxxx.

EIN numbers will be automatically masked after a user has finished editing the field.

A PDF EIN number field can support the following format options:

  • Entire EIN: 99-8888888
  • First two: 99
  • Last seven: 8888888
  • Last four: 8888

If you need a Tax ID number to be printed as a single number per box, use a PDF text: Boxes per letter field type instead.

Text: boxes per letter

A PDF field that accommodates forms where a box or space is provided for each character. This format is often used for phone numbers and social security numbers.

By default, this type of PDF field is mapped to a short text Webform field, but can be mapped to any type of Webform field.

Learn how to create Text: boxes per letter on a PDF here.

Text: boxes per line

A PDF field that accommodates forms where there is a separate space for each new line within a paragraph. This format is useful when there are pre-printed lines on a form or the space for text to be filled is not a standard retangular shape.

By default, this type of PDF field is mapped to a short text Webform field, but can be mapped to any type of Webform field.

To learn how to create Text: boxes per line on a PDF, follow the instructions for how to create Text:boxes per letter here.

US address

A PDF or Webform field for collecting US address information.

A Webform US address type field has the following option:

  • Auto-populate 4 digits after zip code: example 94103-9991

A PDF US address type file has the following formatting options:

  • All in one field: one box containing the entire address.
  • Line 1 and Line 2: two boxes where the first box contains the street address and the second box will contain the city, state, and zip.
  • Street, City, State, Zip: separate boxes for the street address, city, two letter state code and zip code.

Learn how to map multiple parts of an address to a PDF US address field.

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