The Embeddable E-sign Packet Builder is an interactive, hosted UI component that lets non-technical users configure e-signature documents within your application, eliminating the need to manage this process in a separate dashboard.
You integrate the packet builder by embedding it via an iframe and passing a configuration token generated by the Anvil API. Once configured, it displays a fully interactive UI for assembling e-sign packets right inside your application.
You need to provide a secure token and configuration parameters that specify details like signer roles, document templates, and form fields. These parameters are generated by calling the appropriate API endpoints as outlined in the documentation.
You can apply branding elements such as colors and logos to match your product’s identity.
Yes, it supports multiple documents and signers. You can define each signer’s role, add multiple documents to the same packet, and control the signing order within the embedded interface.
Once the configuration is complete, you can use webhooks or query the API to retrieve the finalized packet details. This data can then be passed to the e-sign flow endpoints to initiate the signing process.
All communication is encrypted over HTTPS, and token-based authentication ensures that only authorized requests can access the builder. Proper token management and following security best practices ensure data remains protected.
Yes, you can use separate keys and endpoints for testing and production. This allows you to verify integration details before rolling out the feature to your end users.